World News

China presses for Covid origins probe in US

Washington has ignored concerns over its “bio-military bases” both at home and abroad, Beijing said
The World Health Organization (WHO) should launch a new investigation into the origins of Covid-19 in the United States, China has said, rejecting charges by Washington that the deadly pathogen escaped from a high-security virology lab in Wuhan.
Asked about recent comments by WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus – who called on China and other nations to be “transparent in sharing data” regardin..




12 Cannibal Movies to Sink Your Teeth Into

The sinister penultimate episode of HBO's “The Last of Us” has us thinking about all the other onscreen iterations of cannibalism and, surprisingly, there are quite a few.
The latest among them is Timothée Chalamet and Taylor Russell's bloody romance flick, “Bones and All,” which is based around the lives of two teenage lovers trying to survive within the margins of society while coming into their own. And yes, they also just so happen to be cannibals. No, it isn't your typical ..



Flames’ Toffoli roofs game winner on breakaway to stun Stars with 6.2 seconds left

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Case Studies: Bezos, Jobs, Musk

Chiron is associated with feelings of inadequacy, shame, guilt and rejection. But beneath all of these feelings lies the root cause of Chiron’s wound: the wound of abandonment.
To understand why Chiron’s wound is rooted in abandonment, let’s get back to Chiron’s myth.
Saturn, Chiron’s father transformed into a horse when he mated with Philiria, Chiron’s mother. As a result, Chiron was born half-human, half-horse. Disgusted by his appearance, his mother abandoned him.
Chiron – The Abandonmen..

Chiron – The Wounded Healer, The Shaman, The Alchemist

Just like Pluto, Chiron is tiny but mighty.
Because of its strategic placement – between Saturn and Uranus – Chiron plays a key role in our natal chart. Chiron’s symbol is a “key” – and not by coincidence. Chiron is the KEY that can unlock our chart.
In Astrology, Chiron stands for: Our Deepest Wound Holistic Healing – which only happens when we integrate the wound Our greatest gifts and talents – which only become gifts when the initial wound is healed Chiron’s role is to help us find whole..

Saturn In Pisces 2023-2026 – Heaven Is A Place On Earth

Saturn enters Pisces on March 7th, 2023. This is one of the most important transits of the year. Saturn only changes signs once every 2.5 years!
In Pisces, Saturn will join forces with Neptune, helping us turn those Neptunian dreams into realities.

Saturn and Neptune will not meet in a conjunction, but by sharing the sign, they will get to know each other better, and agree on a common approach. When Saturn and Neptune will eventually meet at 0° Aries a few years later, they will be creating ..

Astrology Of March 2023 – A New Era, Saturn In Pisces, Pluto In Aquarius

March 2023 is that month of the year that everyone is excited about – and a bit frightened of.
In March, the 2 “giants”, Pluto and Saturn, change signs. I can’t emphasize enough what a bit of a deal this is.
On March 12th, 2023 Jupiter and Chiron meet in a rare conjunction in Aries. This transit is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get in touch with our identity wound and heal it.
In a regular month we have 1, maxim 2 conjunctions… in March 2023, we have a record of 7 conjunctions! Conju..