Case Studies: Bezos, Jobs, Musk

Chiron is associated with feelings of inadequacy, shame, guilt and rejection. But beneath all of these feelings lies the root cause of Chiron’s wound: the wound of abandonment.

To understand why Chiron’s wound is rooted in abandonment, let’s get back to Chiron’s myth.

Saturn, Chiron’s father transformed into a horse when he mated with Philiria, Chiron’s mother. As a result, Chiron was born half-human, half-horse. Disgusted by his appearance, his mother abandoned him.

Chiron – The Abandonment Wound

This was Chiron’s primal wound – the wound of abandonment.

This abandonment is metaphorical, and represents the experience of rupture, the experience of being born.

We are born, therefore we are wounded. The process of birth itself is our first experience of abandonment. Rejection is part of our identity development process.

For people who have strong Chiron signatures, abandonment can be very literal; they are literally abandoned by one or both parents.

Others who have early experiences of abandonment, for example children who have parents that have to get back to work as soon as the child is born or parents who leave their children with caregivers or the school system.

Other abandonment experiences can unintentionally be inflicted by caregivers who don’t respond to the child’s cries, or don’t acknowledge the child when the child initiates connection.

Even in the most loving families, irrespective of what actually happens, the child internalizes this initial experience of abandonment and believes there is something wrong with them.

In our first years of life, we live in a narcissistic state and don’t have the cognitive ability to distinguish ourselves from the world. That’s why if something ‘bad’ happens, it must be our fault. “There’s something wrong with me”. “My parents don’t love me because I am flawed”.

In astrology, Chiron is where we feel abandoned and rejected.

Chiron – The Gift Is In The Wound

Let’s get back to Chiron’s myth.

Chiron was born different: half-god, half-horse. But it was exactly his unique makeup that allowed Chiron to develop into a wise, revered and respected teacher.

Apollo, his adoptive father, taught Chiron the art of archery, poetry, botany and astrology. These teachings, combined with Chiron’s half-horse AKA animal and instinctual nature, gave Chiron a unique advantage, and helped him become a revered and respected teacher.

He understood both the workings of nature and the workings of the divine, and became a Whole-istic healer.

IMPORTANT: If Chiron was not abandoned at birth, he couldn’t have been adopted by Apollo, and he wouldn’t have had the chance to bridge the gap from nature to spirit. This initial abandonment, this initial wound, was precisely what made Chiron so special.

Our Chiron wound is the “initial condition” – we all share the abandonment wound, and it’s precisely this wound that becomes our catalyst for growth. If we won’t feel abandoned, we wouldn’t have the incentive to grow.

Of course, there are healthy ways of overcoming abandonment and finding healing, and less healthy ways.

When we integrate our feelings of shame, guilt and abandonment, we then allow them to become a catalyst of growth.

However, when we overcompensate them, the divide between our instinctual nature and our divine nature only grows wider.

As we grow up, we work hard to hide from these feelings of abandonment and rejection. We believe that if we achieve worldly success, we are worthy, and we will never ever be abandoned again.

These are those people who appear to be extremely confident and to have high self-esteem, however, no matter how validated and successful they are, they still feel empty inside, they lack a sense of true fulfillment. And the addiction to worldly success becomes a vicious circle.

We want more and more, because we believe that the more successful we are, the fewer chances to be abandoned.

However, worldly success is only half of the equation.

There’s also the other half of the centaur, the godly side, that asks to be integrated. That’s why many people who become successful in the material world feel empty inside and very often leave everything behind, in search of a higher meaning.

Case Studies – Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk

Let’s take some examples. Do you know what Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs, and Elon Musk share in common?

First, they are all incredibly successful, at least by society’s standards. And 2nd, they have all been abandoned by their fathers.

Jeff Bezos’s parents divorced when Bezos was a baby, and his mother remarried. Bezos knew who his biological father was, but never wanted to meet him. His biological father, Ted Jorgensen died in 2015, without meeting Jeff. Jorgensen’s final wish before dying was to meet Jeff again, but Bezos still refused.

Steve Jobs has been abandoned by both his mother and his father. His biological parents, Abdulfattah Jandali and Schieble put the future co-founder of Apple up for adoption the year he was born, in 1955.

Years later, Jobs would “bristle whenever anyone referred to Paul and Clara Jobs as his `adoptive’ parents or implied that they were not his `real’ parents,” Isaacson wrote.

Jobs, who died in 2011, referred to his biological parents as “my sperm and egg bank.” It’s interesting to note that Jobs repeated history with his first born, daughter Lisa. His paternity denial led to a legal battle where a DNA test proved he was indeed the father.

Elon Musk, while he was not literally abandoned, is estranged from his father. Elon called his father, Errol “a terrible human being”.

Elon first experienced a rift with his father, when he was a child, following his parents’ divorce. “It would certainly be accurate to say that I did not have a good childhood… It was not absent of good, but it was not a happy childhood. It was like misery.”

These celebrity examples prove how damaging early abandonment is, and also how these experiences have fueled Jobs, Bezos or Musk’s drive for achieving success.

The abandonment wound, when unhealed, leads to resentment, contempt and regret. The inner conflict never goes away.

However difficult, if we want to heal, it’s imperative we embrace our abandonment wound.

Chiron – Your Deepest Wound, Your Greatest Gift

In the “Chiron – Your Deepest Wound, Your Greatest Gift” online program we follow a 3-stage approach.

In the 1st module, we explore the “Wounded Healer” archetype. This is when we get to the root of our wound, by analyzing our Chiron natal placement.

In the 2nd module, we explore the “Shaman” archetype. Here we analyze Chiron transits from the past, relieving the early abandonment experiences, and making peace with the wound.

In the 3rd module, we explore the “Alchemist” archetype. Here we focus on the positive expressions of our Chiron placement, and we focus on alchemizing our initial wound into a gift.

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